Periodic table
Interactive and open source periodic table with many properties, nuclides, free to use database and more.
Airportmap is an open source project with information and weather data on more than 75’000 airports, heliports and air bases worldwide.
Real-time billionaires tracker & API
Contains profile and list data from Forbes’ real-time billionaires. This data can be used unlimited and without any limitation.
Take-off performance 737-800
Java program to calculate take off performence (v1, vr and v2) for Boeing 737-800. Do not use for real life flight. Valid for flight simulation use only.
npm Packages
Lightweight npm package can be used to calculate the similarity of strings. Supports Levenshtein distance and Sørensen dice coefficient.
Lightweight npm package to calculate a simple linear scale between two given values and the maximal amount of ticks.
svgworld ALPHA
The simple and free to use SVGWorld npm package can be used to draw map based charts. The project is currently in an early alpha release and does not yet include many functions. However, it is highly flexible and can be expanded with other maps or plugins.